Michel Charron



Cumulating more than 40 years in the film and television industry – both on set and in post-production and Labour Relations, Michel Charron has dedicated the greater part of his life to the audiovisual world. At 17, he begins his prolific career as a boom operator before rapidly establishing himself as a production sound mixer and productions sound editor. His craft led him to work at the National Film Board and on various local, Quebec, Canadian, American and international productions, as well as on thousands of TV commercials.

This impressive resume also contains numerous awards and nominations, namely at the Gémeaux, Jutra and Genie Awards. This successful career was immortalized in 1986 with an entry in the Dictionnaire du cinéma québécois (Quebec Film Dictionary).

While making his mark in the film industry, he also established himself, as early as 1976, as a fierce advocate of workers’ rights. Over the years, he would sit on the Board of the Syndicat national du cinéma (SNC) [National Film Union] and on the Board of the Syndicat des Techniciens et Techniciennes du Cinéma et de la Vidéo du Québec (STCVQ) [Quebec’s Cinema and Video Technicians Union]. Then, in 2005, he founded IATSE 514 and became its Business Agent, a position for which he was re-elected for three consecutive terms.

At this position, he would play a leading role in the fight to change the Act S32.1 (Act respecting the professional status and conditions of engagement of performing, recording and film artists). Thanks to the introduction of Bill 32 in 2009, technicians working on audiovisual productions are finally included in Act S32.1 after living in a no man’s land for so many years.

In addition to his role in IATSE 514, Michel Charron held an administrator position at the Quebec Film and Television Council (QFTC) for three years. He would also sit as a director on the Board of the Conseil régional FTQ Montréal Métropolitain (FTQ’s Metropolitan Montreal Regional Board) and on the FTQ’s Health & Safety Board, as well as on Quebec’s Joint Committee regarding safety regulations of the province’s film and video industry. Additionally, he was represented IATSE at the FTQ’s General Council.

Also involved in the training of audiovisual workers, he cofounded the Organisme de Formation de l’Industrie du Cinéma et des Nouveaux Médias du Québec (OFINMQ) [Quebec’s Film and New Media Industry Training Organization], where he was an administrator and treasurer. Similarly, he sat as an administrator at the Regroupement pour la formation en audiovisuel du Québec (RFAVQ) [Quebec’s Coalition for Audiovisual Training], where he was involved in many of the organization’s projects.

In 2013, his work was once again recognized when he received IATSE’s International Presidents Award “in recognition of [his] outstanding dedication to his craft, to his local and to his fellow brothers and sisters”.

As the Business Agent of IATSE 514, he successfully implemented a multi-employer Health & Safety Fund. This comprehensive health & safety and training program offers free equipment and training courses to the Local’s members. This initiative was applauded by International President Loeb following his report before the IATSE General Executive Board in January 2016.

After leaving IATSE 514 in November 2016, Michel Charron is actively and ardently dedicated as a labor relations consultant until December 2022.
Currently retired, he works on personal projects such as "Mémodio" ( www.memodio.ca ) and "Cartes Postales Sonores" ( YouTube CPS )


IATSE international
President's award




We'll now proceed to the International President's Awards, and I'll read the inscription and call upon the recipients one at a time. The inscription reads as follows: "The International President's Award presented in recognition of outstanding dedication to his (or her) craft, to his (or her) Local and to his (or her) fellow brothers and sisters. I.A.T.S.E. 67th Quadrennial Convention - Boston, Massachusetts - July 22 - 26, 2013." And the plaques are signed by me as International President.  So when I call your name, please come up.

This next individual is someone who frankly risked his personal career in order to start a union and represent motion picture technicians, television technicians in Montreal.  He took on that challenge and  He built  a local union that now has 1,142 members*, and that's ...


Michel Charron, 

(Standing ovation)


IATSE Local 514
Training and Health and
Safety Program

Michel CharronJanuary 2016

Michel Charron
January 2016


IATSE Local 514 Business Agent Michel Charron appeared before the General Executive Board to report on the successes of Local 514’s health and safety and training initiatives which are funded exclusively by employer contributions to the Local’s health and safety fund.  

Michel Charron reviewed the training certification statistics for the Local. Since 2007, the Local has conducted 413 training sessions for members which have translated into 3,175 certifications being issued. In 2015, the Quebec Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Education certified the Local as a government recognized training organization. The Local currently has three certified “train the trainer” members. Training courses offered by the Local over the years include, among others, WHMIS, first aid, AED/CPR, fall protection and rescue, fork lift operation, ETCP Arena Rigger certification and scaffolding inspection. All course programing accords with federal and provincial regulations and have been adjusted to the workplace reality of the television and film industry.  

Michel Charron
explained that the Local also uses its health and safety fund to provide members with IA branded health and safety equipment free of charge and administers a safety shoe reimbursement program which has paid out more than $167,000 in reimbursements to over seven hundred members since 2012. The Local has also sponsored the installation of seventeen AED units located in member workplaces and the Local’s offices.

President Loeb applauded Local 514 for establishing such a comprehensive health and safety and training program for members in such a short period of time. He noted that the International will assist and support all Locals across North America that strive for similar membership training successes of their own.